Medium: 100 dye sublimation prints on aluminium plate
Photogropher - Jamie Collier
Size: 78 x 350cm Â
Archive 1 - River Bottom Stones
100 stones are taken from a river bed, each is numbered and measured, then re-presented in photographic form. Each stone is forensically photographed next to a yellow measuring tape. The tape measure offers a new hierarchy: the human ‘assumption’ of measurement and numbering (Mel Bochner 1969). Each photograph is printed on aluminium plate, forming a large photographic archive of the 100 images.
Archive 2 - Polished Stones
This second archive is represented by 25 Perspex wall panels onto which is printed 4 stones each stone is painted from the bottle of nail varnish that sits on a shelf at the bottom of the panel. Each stone is now categorised by its colour and the name and number of the bottle of nail polish that painted it. Each shiny, brightly coloured stone now has a context within the urban, the city high street with its nail-bars and man made environment.
Medium: 24 Perspex panels with UV print and nail polish bottle
Size: 50 x 475cm Â
Archive 3 - Stones
Archive 3 – Sees the stones return to the ground. Sitting on a grey plinth under a Perspex cover. They are presented where they fall, but have new colourful coats that separate them from their original river bottom stone identity.
Size: 60cm high x  60  x 110cm Â
Medium: 100 Stones, Nail Polish
Stones (2015) was made for the exhibition 'Thought Positions in Sculpture' at Huddersfield Art Gallery and Curated by Rowan Bailey it was commissioned by ROTOR for the University of Huddersfield and Arts Coundcil England
There is also a Documentary film – for the exhibition posted at this link: https://vimeo.com/388834190 or click below
This film was made to present the work Stones. It is a film by Alistair I Macdonald and was cut from a longer documentary that presented works in the Thought Positions in Sculpture exhibition at the Huddersfield Art Gallery curated by Rowan Bailey in 2015-16. The exhibition was a ROTOR commission from the University of Huddersfield and Arts Council England. A link to Alistair's full documentary is here  at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRgeThxfJ58.
Stones consists of 3 archives presenting the same 100 stones. Each archive considers the way we classify objects, the logic of each classification and what that may say about the cultural position around the data presented in each archive.